Tuesday, May 25, 2010

We're off and running..

...rowing, I mean swimming. Actually about 40-50 people from various groups have gathered at the Sfendoni passenger boat in Piraes. It's 1:15pm Athens time. Paul, Ed, Joe, Gene and myself, the Free Palestine Movement 5, are all here. Jan and Samy are here to see us off.

We will be boarding in about half an hour and off to sea 2:30-ish.

First stop Rhodes.

Then off to the meeting place of all vessels somewhere in the Mediterranean.

Then off to Gaza.

~ Janet


  1. Wishing you ALL the best from Canada (London, Ontario) on your important humanitarian voyage -- the world is watching your progress closely!

  2. Maybe someone could post a link, or a tidbit, some information beyond the streaming, something in the corner? The map is nice, maybe a bit slow moving. Some history, details, anything that will Wiki- this for those looking for information?


Watch live streaming video from shiptogaza at livestream.com
Watch live streaming video from shiptogaza at livestream.com